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Being our clients the SME and large companies of last mile delivery and postal sector, their main pain is the demand coming from their own customers for the reduction of delivery times, combined with increasing barriers to vehicles in the cities.
We cannot forget that delivery is becoming an omitted cost in online sales, since its price appears to be absorbed by the price of the product purchased, thus reducing the importance and costs incurred by the delivery sector.
In terms of regulation, the areas restricted to large vehicles have increased, as well as the limitations to their entry based on their levels of emissions. In general, there is a demand for companies to be more sustainable. Specifically, last mile delivery is becoming a growing environmental concern in urban areas, being responsible for 18% of road traffic and 40% of air pollution and noise emissions in main cities. Therefore, tackling the last mile delivery problems has become an urgent need for all players involved.

Citizens will gain in quality of life in terms of commuting within cities, since one of the objectives of MOOEVO, and a direct consequence of its use for last mile delivery and cargo transportation, is the fact that the number of delivery vans and delivery motorcycles will be noticeably reduced, especially in city centres. This not only lowers emissions and pollution, but also clears central areas to allow the flow of citizens, both walking and driving.
Moreover, we cannot forget that MOOEVO has applications outside the last mile delivery and business solutions: it also has applications for individuals that citizens can used on a daily basis (wheelchairs, baby carts, shopping carts,…) and this applications is going to contribute to the normalization of MOOEVO on the streets.