See the best deals and offers with reviews and price for electric mobility innovation for cleaning and desinfection. Commercial janitor cart for sanitation mobile manteinance and janitorial services.
Strategies to create better transport in cities must address the issue of goods deliveries and encourage the use of cleaner vehicles. Fleet transformation and modernization is necessary to cope with sustainability and congestion demands.
But the use of sustainable means of transport cannot be at the expense of Last Mile Delivery or LMD sector. Thus, a new cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solution is crucial. With MOOEVO, we can have the same proximity as a small trolley that has to be pushed without giving up cargo capacity and able to enter in pedestrian areas.
MOOEVO is a new mobility solution that consists of an articulated vehicle thought for the transport of goods. This vehicle is a combination of a cart for cargo and a rolling platform for the driver. It has been a complex R&D and engineering project that has allowed us to come up with prototypes in an extremely efficient and easy-to-use 100% electric mobility solution that we have now patented. This solution is capable of transporting loads of up to 200 kg, including the cargo and the person driving it.
MOOEVO aims to be the leader through the development of a way of transportation that adapts to the needs of the market, while respecting the citizens and contributing to the creation of the cities of the future. The solution manages to acknowledge opposing needs for stakeholders:
1-citizens want environmentally friendly policies in companies, while demanding ever shorter delivery times. Our aim is to implement an electric transport thanks to our pusherboard, that doesn’t increase delivery times: one that can deliver throughout the day and that can move through the city nonstop, changing from streets to pedestrian areas seamlessly. To facilitate this even more, our systems are equipped with removable, easily interchangeable batteries, so that there is no interrupting the working shift.
2-Companies are forced to work at increasingly demanding rates and must find ways to maintain efficiency. Here, our objective is clear: a cost-efficient solution that companies can implement in their existing infrastructures. To this aim, we have patented an articulated structure, suitable for different types of cargo. For company’s efficiency, we want to implement a programmable control unit that provides the company with data to be analysed.
3-Policy makers must ensure that cities are able to promote flows of vehicles that enable day-to-day life, with sustainable and environmentally friendly measures. Our objective is to create a versatile system, and we are doing so with the retractable system, that allows the cart to move along all kinds of roads, and with the cart steering system, that makes it possible to drive in narrow areas comfortably, increasing the turning angles.